Thursday, 21 December 2017

Recurring (Drip) Direct Mail

One email is NOT enough. Recurring or Drip email marketing is the process of creating emails that can be automated to send to selected leads to encourage them through the sales process and boost your relationship with them. These campaigns are an excellent way to stay focused on a target audience over a length of time. With the proper message sent out at the right time to the right group of people, you can increase the results of your goal!!

But, there are some basic steps that you need to walk through before you start your Drip Campaign. Many people love to name their projects or achievements! “The Year that Dad..”, “Operation…”, “Summer of…”. Figure out the name of your Campaign by figuring out the Goal!
GOALS (suggestions)

*Educational* -Teach your audience something useful; something that may be making them slow down their decision making process. Show them how they can achieve their objective.
*Awareness* - Point out special real estate listing in the area that they are looking.
*Promotional* - Send out the latest homes that just got listed
*Re-engagement* -  Even if you did not get a response the first time, try again!
*Continuing Education* - Provide up-to-date housing market data, mortgage rates, home prices/values, and property sales
*Events* - Calendars for events and  festivals and new restaurants or art gallery openings and new businesses coming to town create an air of excitement for someone who is considering moving to the area.


You need to determine your audience for each of these Goals. Drip Campaigns are designed to get specific information to the exact group that you are trying to tantalize! Your focus needs to be as direct as possible. Targeted and personalized emails are the most effective. Choose from a certain market or group with specific profiles and send emails that pertain to exact situations that may interest them either from their past history or future intentions.   This way, you target a list of specifics and not an entire list. Your results will also be more specific in their outcome.
CREATE CONTENT                                                                                                                   
Next in line is to create a series of relevant email messages that pertain to the purpose and the audience of the campaign. Based upon the type of audience and the purpose, decide what content will create a response from your audience and a call to action. The number of emails to send is up to you but it should be between too many and too few! Of course, quality is preferred over quantity. Create messages that explain the purpose and your objectives. And.. create emails that are designed to get read with a click-worthy subject line, contain engaging copy and have a clear call-to-action. Keep the emails short and to the point.


You now need to determine the mail flow and the schedule of the Drip Campaign. It is recommended that for first time Campaigns, you start with an easy “Once every 10 days” kind of schedule and then as you advance in statistics, you can move into more complicated


Once your Campaign has been launched, monitoring and evaluation needs to take place. You need to monitor the analytics and make adjustments along the way.
By changing your subject lines to see which ones get a larger reaction, you can fine tune your message. Tweaking the calls-to-action or adjusting the content will perhaps increase engagement. You have to replace some message and omit others..which can add more! The best way approach Drip Direct Marketing is to be flexible and continuously monitor and adjust as needed.

Ultimately, success through Drip Email Marketing often comes down to timing. Drip email is great because it allows customers to not only receive new updates but also older ones that were written before they subscribed. By using an array of triggers, customers can be more accurately targeted. Everest Direct Mail & Marketing will help you send your Direct mail often enough and on a consistent basis that you are constantly creating new leads and clients on the back end of things.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Road map to Direct Mail

Direct Mail Marketing is one of the best advertising strategies you or your business could utilize to reach customers and prospective clients. Let’s design a Map for a Direct Mail Campaign Success. Direct Mail is NOT the same as General Advertising!

According to Google, the definition of General Advertising “is a form of marketing communication that does not seek direct response. It is a type of advertising which is used to create awareness about a product or services or about the Brand/Company itself over time. And the Google definition of Direct Mail Advertising is “A marketing effort that uses a mail service to deliver a promotional printed piece to your target audience . Direct mail encompasses a wide variety of marketing materials, including brochures, catalogs, postcards, newsletters and sales letters. At the beginning of any journey, you lay out the plans and directions you want to travel. On that trip, you know there are a few things you want to see and do. And you usually have a timeline to get there and back. Here are a few initial questions to ask and answer before you start packing up the car of your Campaign!

What exactly is your Direct Mail Campaign trying to accomplish?

What is your Offer and to Whom?

How will you be able to tell if it was a success?

How will you track your results

What is the budget for the Campaign?

All Direct Mail should be designed with an announcement, a response system and tracking structure..The kind of vehicle (letter or postcard) you drive on the journey dictates speed, comfort and budget. The form greatly affects your response rates. You need to decide if a postcard or a letter is right for your specific project. Then you have to decide on the comfort and design (art and message) of the vehicle. On both a letter and postcard, you need a specific and precise message or offer. You need to be attention grabbing and extremely simple! You have mere seconds to say Hello, so art and message need to be an immediate slam dunk! Now it is time to get on the road because the Direct Mailers have been sent.

We are tracking the responses both in calls and emails.
We travel through Statistics Town and Analyzation Village.
We have lunch in Edit-List-ville.

And we finally arrive at our destination of Making Money City! At Everest Direct Mail & Marketing, we’ll help you clean your lists for people who have already called and you’ve done business with or those who have requested to not be contacted again. We can also help you track how many people called based on which campaign you do, helping you determine what works best for your direct mail marketing method and where you made the most money. Let us help you succeed by carefully and meticulously monitoring your return!

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Thursday, 14 December 2017

Direct Mail Postcards

Direct Mail Postcards should be a part of your Direct Mail Marketing strategy. You want to reach prospective clients in the most efficient way possible with the quickest route and the least expensive manner. You want to make sure that the right message is on the right type of Postcard, and, most importantly, you want them to grab the attention of the receiver.

The following are some ideas on how you can be successful in using Postcards to achieve your goals in any Direct Mail campaign.

The size of the Postcard is always a very important factor. The size of the card needs to fit the size of your message. Postcards are small and can be overlooked in a pile of mail. Their artistic characteristics need to be very strong so they literally jump out of that pile and grabs the receiver! You want to catch someone’s eye and make it very clear about what you’re offering. Color, font and graphics can accomplish this mission. If you have colorful art, a unique font and a shout it out message, you have to consider if the normal 4” x 6” Postcard size will work. Will a larger size accomodate your copy in a stronger fashion? Whether large or small, Postcards are very concise ways of writing a message. There is only so much room for so many words and you have to edit down to the bare bones and keep it to the point.

Your cards should ALWAYS have your Website address located prominently in the layout. There is only so much space on a Postcard for you to get your information, so take the reader to a location where they can get further details.

Each Postcard you send, has a distinct message in which all of the pieces of art, graphics and fonts work together to instruct the receiver to do something. But, what are those “somethings”? Here are a few ideas for Postcard messages.

Promote Special Events.  Postcards are excellent for announcements and invitations. A “Save the Date” Postcard can be used for any type of event. A flashy design with a link to a website landing page for registration can make the card show up on bulletin boards and refrigerators.

Create Coupons! Postcards are great for “Present this card for 50% off” types of coupons. No clipping, just bring in the whole card and the coupon will be scanned. A simple bold message and a coupon is all you need for a prospect’s reaction and response.

Create a Series of Postcards. Just like a cliff hanger soap opera, you have to watch the next show to know what is going to happen!  You can tease a whole campaign and get people involved with each new Postcard that is sent. If you are moving, adding new employees, starting a new program, each of these can be announced by an ever intriguing Postcard giving more and more details up to the actual announcement.

Send a Postcard cartoon! Cartoons get looked at! Cartoons get read! Cartoons get responses! A Postcard with a colorful, customized cartoon are not only a “hook” to get someone interested and travel to your website, but they elicit laughter and cause people to keep the card around for further reference.

Neon Colors, Brilliant Colors, Sparkly colors get attention. The most effective design element that you can use to get a response is color. A Postcard that is filled with unique graphics and brilliant colors can be irresistible. The purpose of a Direct Mail Postcard is to get it read! If someone reads the message just because of the color curiosity and attraction, then the mission has been accomplished!

Postcards are a fantastic way to quickly intrigue your potential customers without them having to even open an envelope! We at Everest Direct Mail & Marketing, create professional-looking postcards, complete with your own logo. We feature high-value content to get the best reach possible for prospective clients. Our postcards are fully customizable and allow you to connect with your community. This customization makes our mailers even more informative and effective. The possibilities are endless! Postcards can advertise new products and services, provide coupons or announce community events! Postcard marketing is a powerful way to build and maintain your client base!

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